Firearms and Weapons

Defend your Gun Rights

New Jersey has some of the most stringent and confusing laws regarding the legal possession, transport and use of firearms in the nation.  While the laws as to criminal possession and use of a weapon may make sense in that context, without care the sportsman or target shooter can find themselves afoul of the criminal law while involved in perfectly legal activities.

Since a revision of the law a few years ago, even possession of a legal weapon under the wrong circumstances can result in a mandatory jail term.

It is also possible to have criminal charges result from the use of a firearm that is legally owned and/or possessed.  This could result from hunting, transport and other situations.

The categories and possibilities are too numerous to explain in detail, however:

In New Jersey, a BB gun is a firearm in most circumstances and can result in oppressive penalties for possession and/or use.  While you can purchase a BB gun and other firearms in Pennsylvania without a permit, once in New Jersey, you may be in possession of an illegal weapon.

Being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm is a serious crime.  If you have been convicted of a first, second, third and fourth-degree crime, you are considered a felon.  If convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm, you face strict penalties.  These and other types of weapons offenses can seriously affect to your future.  As an experienced attorney, I can begin building your defense immediately to help protect your rights, freedoms and future.

Being in possession of a firearm while committing another crime, even a non-violent one can raise the stakes on the charges against you.  For instance, committing a burglary and taking a firearm raises the degree of the crime against you and the potential jail time.